Press Releases :
All the publications involving the IFCWS are sorted by year below.
274. Dharumarajan, S., Gomez, C., Lalitha, M., Vasundhara, R., Hegde, R., & Patil, N. G. (2024). Assessing the utility of Munsell soil color in building and evaluating spectral models for soil clay content prediction. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 1–14.
273. Ternikar C., Gomez C., Kumar D.N., (2024) Visible and infrared lab spectroscopy for soil texture classification: Analysis of entire spectra v/s reduced spectra, Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 35, 101242, ISSN 2352-9385,
272. George, E.B.; Gomez, C.; Kumar, N.D. Adapting Prediction Models to Bare Soil Fractional Cover for Extending Topsoil Clay Content Mapping Based on AVIRIS-NG Hyperspectral Data. Remote Sens. 2024, 16, 1066.
271. Baccar, M., Raynal, H., Sekhar, M., Bergez, J-E., Willaume, M., Casel, P., Giriraj, P., Murthy, S., and Ruiz, L., (2023) Dynamics of crop category choices reveal strategies and tactics used by smallholder farmers in India to cope with unreliable water availability. Agric. Syst., 211, 103744.
270. Gurumurthy G. ., Tripti M., Balakrishna K., Riotte J., Audry S., Udayashankar H. (2023) Geochemical Characterization of Suspended Sediments in the Nethravati Estuary, Southwest Coast of India: Insights to Redox Processes, Metal Sorption, and Pollution Aspect. In: Jayaraju, N., Sreenivasulu, G., Madakka, M., Manjulatha, M. (eds) Coasts, Estuaries and Lakes. Springer, Cham.
269. Dharumarajan S., Gomez C., Lalitha M., Kalaiselvi B., Vasundhara R., Hegde R. (2023) Soil order knowledge as a driver in soil properties estimation from Vis-NIR spectral data – Case study from northern Karnataka (India), Geoderma Regional, 32,
268. Athira K.V., Eswar R., Boulet G., Nigam R. and Bhattacharya B.K. (2022) Modeling Evapotranspiration at Larger Temporal Scales: Effects of Temporal Aggregation and Data Gaps. Remote Sensing, 14, 4142.
267. Baby George E., Gomez C., Kumar D.N., Dharumarajan S., Lalitha M. (2022). Impact of bare soil pixels identification on clay content mapping using airborne hyperspectral AVIRIS-NG data: spectral indices versus spectral unmixing, Geocarto International,
266. Baby George E., Ternikar C.R., Ghosh R., Kumar D.N., Gomez C., Ahmad T., Sahadevan A.S., Gupta P.K., Misra A. (2022). Assessment of spectral reduction techniques for endmember extraction in unmixing of hyperspectral images, Advances in Space Research, 2022, ISSN 0273-1177,
265. Bellè S-L., Riotte J., Backhaus N., Sekhar M., Jouquet P. and Abiven S. (2022) Tailor-made biochar systems: Interdisciplinary evaluations of ecosystem services and farmer livelihoods in tropical agro-ecosystems. PLoS ONE 17(1): e0263302.
264. Bellè S.L., Riotte J., Sekhar M., Ruiz L., Schiedung M., Abiven S. (2022) Soil organic carbon stocks and dynamics in tropical, sub-humid shrubland and dry deciduous forest ecosystems in southwestern India. Geoderma 409.
263. Bergez, J.-E.; Baccar, M.; Sekhar, M.; Ruiz, L. (2022) NIRAVARI: A Parsimonious Bio-Decisional Model for Assessing the Sustainability and Vulnerability of Rainfed or Groundwater-Irrigated Farming Systems in Indian Agriculture. Water, 14, 3211.
262. Bhaduri, B., Muddu, S., Fovet, O., & Ruiz, L. (2022). Estimating Solute Travel Times from Time Series of Nitrate Concentration in Groundwater: Application to a Small Agricultural Catchment in Brittany, France. Journal of Hydrology, 128390.
261. Dharumarajan S., Lalitha M., Gomez C., Vasundhara R., Kalaiselvi B. & Hegde R. (2022) Prediction of soil hydraulic properties using VIS-NIR spectral data in semi-arid region of Northern Karnataka Plateau. Geoderma Regional, e00475.
260. Fischer, C., Aubron, C., Trouvé, A., Sekhar, M., & Ruiz, L. (2022). Groundwater irrigation reduces overall poverty but increases socioeconomic vulnerability in a semiarid region of southern India. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 1-16.
259. Gomez C., Vaudour E., Féret J.B., de Boissieu F., Dharumarajan S. (2022). Topsoil clay content mapping in croplands from Sentinel-2 data: Influence of atmospheric correction methods across a season time series. Geoderma, 423.
258. Hooge R., Landy F., Nous, C & Ruiz L., (2022) Consolidation d’une paysannerie émiettée… où accaparement de terres par des estates (Inde du Sud) ? Etudes rurales, 209, 162-185.
257. Khan M.J.U., Durand F., Emanuel K., Krien Y., Testut L. and Islam A.K.M.S. (2022) Storm surge hazard over Bengal delta: A probabilistic-deterministic modelling approach, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss. [preprint],
256. Lagacherie P., Buis S., Constantin J., Dharumarajan S., Ruiz L. & Sekhar M. (2022) Evaluating the impact of using digital soil mapping products as input for spatializing a crop model: The case of drainage and maize yield simulated by STICS in the Berambadi catchment (India). Geoderma, 406, 115503.
255. Lalitha M., Dharumarajan S., Gomez C., Hegde R., Koyal A., Khandal S., Shashikumar BN., Parvathy S. (2022) Spectral assessment of soil properties in semi-arid tropical regions of southern Karnataka Plateau, Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science,
254. Punith N., Ashish K.S., Ananthanarasimhan J., Bhavadharini B., Ritika C., Hemanth M., Dipshikha C., Lakshminarayana Rao (2022) Generation of neutral pH high‐strength plasma‐activated water from a pin to water discharge and its bactericidal activity on multidrug‐resistant pathogens. Plasma Process Polym. 2022;e2200133
253. Sarath P.K., Mangalaa K.R., Cardinal D., Gurumurthy G.P., Dapoigny A., Sarma V.V.S.S., Riotte J. (2022) Seasonal, weathering and water use controls of silicon cycling along the river flow in two contrasting basins of South India. Chem. Geol.
252. Srinivasan R., Pandit S. A., Khatei G., Karunakara N., Sudeep Kumara K., Riotte J., Moger H., Amala David P., Jindal M., Gowrisankar G. and Devi Ramkumar K. (2022) Reverse osmosis units in groundwater based public water supply system in rural eastern Karnataka, India: an analysis. Curr. Sci. 123, 1493-1498.
251. Afroosa, M., Rohith B., Arya Paul, Durand F., Bourdallé-Badie R., Sreedevi P.V., de Viron O., Ballu V., Shenoi S.S.C. (2021) Madden-Julian oscillation winds excite an intraseasonal see-saw of ocean mass that affects Earth’s polar motion. Comm. Earth & Environment,
250. Aubron, C., Vigne, M., Philippon, O., Lucas, C., Lesens, P., Upton, S., … & Ruiz, L. (2021). Nitrogen metabolism of an Indian village based on the comparative agriculture approach: How characterizing social diversity was essential for understanding crop-livestock integration. Agricultural Systems, 193, 103218.
249. Baccar, M., Bergez, J. E., Couture, S., Sekhar, M., Ruiz, L., & Leenhardt, D. (2021). Building climate change adaptation scenarios with stakeholders for water management: A hybrid approach adapted to the south indian water crisis. Sustainability, 13(15), 8459.
248. Chaitanya A.V.S., Vialard J., Lengaigne M., d’Ovidio F., Riotte J., Papa F., James R.A. (2021) Redistribution of riverine and rainfall freshwater by the Bay of Bengal circulation. Ocean Dynamics.
247. Chitra-Tarak R, Xu C, Aguilar S, Anderson-Teixeira KJ, Chambers J, Detto M, Faybishenko B, Fisher RA, Knox RG, Koven CD, Kueppers LM, Kunert N, Kupers SJ, McDowell NG, Newman BD, Paton SR, Pérez R, Ruiz L, Sack L, Warren JM, Wolfe BT, Wright C, Wright SJ, Zailaa J, McMahon SM. (2021).Hydraulically‐vulnerable trees survive on deep‐water access during droughts in a tropical forest. The New phytologist, 231(5), 1798.
246. Dharumarajan, S., Kalaiselvi, B., Suputhra, A., Lalitha, M., Vasundhara, R., Kumar, K.A., Nair, K.M., Hegde, R., Singh, S.K. and Lagacherie, P., 2021. Digital soil mapping of soil organic carbon stocks in Western Ghats, South India. Geoderma Regional, 25, p.e00387.
245. Fovet O., … Riotte J. et al. (2021) Intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams: perspectives for critical zone science & research on socio-ecosystems. WIREs Water, e1523.
244. Gomez C., Dharumarajan S., Lagacherie P., Riotte J., Ferrant S., Sekhar M., Ruiz L. (2021) Mapping of tank silt application using Sentinel-2 images over the Berambadi catchment (India). Geoderma Regional, 25, e00389.
243. Khan M. J. U., Durand F., Bertin X., Testut L., Krien Y., Islam A.K.M.S., Pezerat M., and Hossain S. (2021) Towards an efficient storm surge and inundation forecasting system over the Bengal delta: Chasing the super-cyclone Amphan, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss.,
242. Landy F., Ruiz L., Jacquet J., Richard-Ferroudji A., Sekhar M., Guétat-Bernard H., Oger-Marengo M., Venkatasubramnanian G. & Noûs C. (2021) Commons as Demanding Social Constructions: The Case of Aquifers in Rural Karnataka. Int. J. Rural Manag., 17(1), 27-54. 0973005220945428
241. Nagaraj P., Mohan Kumar M.S., Vouillamoz J.M., Hoareau J. (2021) Estimation of anisotropic hydraulic conductivity using geophysical data in a coastal aquifer of Karnataka, India. Hydrol. Proc. 021;35:e1439,
240. Riotte J., Ruiz L., Audry S., Baud B., Bedimo Bedimo J.-P., Boithias L., Braun J.-J., Dupré B., Duprey J.-L., Faucheux M., Lagane C., Marechal J.-C., Moger H., Mohan Kumar M. S., Parate H., Ribolzi O., Rochelle- Newall E., Sriramulu B., Varma M., & Sekhar M. (2021) The Multiscale TROPIcal CatchmentS critical zone observatory M-TROPICS dataset III: Hydro-geochemical monitoring of the Mule Hole catchment, south India. Hydrol. Proc., 35 (5), e14196.
239. Sharma A.K., Hubert-Moy L., Buvaneshwari S., Sekhar M., Ruiz L., Moger H., Bandyopadhyay S. & Corgne S. (2021). Identifying Seasonal Groundwater-Irrigated Cropland Using Multi-Source NDVI Time-Series Images. Remote Sensing, 13(10), 1960.
238. Schwendimann L., Sivaprakasam I., Buvaneshwari S., P. Gurumurthy G.P., Mishra S., Ruiz L., Sekhar M., Fleiss B., Riotte J., Mani S. and Gressens P. (2021) Agricultural groundwater with high nitrates and dissolved salts given to pregnant mice alters brain development in the offspring. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 224, 112635.
237. Upadhyaya, D.B.; Evans, J.; Muddu, S.; Tomer, S.K.; Al Bitar, A.; Yeggina, S.; S, T.; Morrison, R.; Fry, M.; Tripathi, S.N.; Mujumdar, M.; Goswami, M.; Ganeshi, N.; Nema, M.K.; Jain, S.K.; Angadi, S.S.; Yenagi, B.S. (2021). The Indian COSMOS Network (ICON): Validating L-Band Remote Sensing and Modelled Soil Moisture Data Products. Remote Sensing, 13, 537.
236. Becker M., Papa F., Karpytchev M., Delebecque C., Krien Y., Khan J. U., Ballu V., Durand F., Le Cozannet G., Islam AKM S., Calmant S., Shum C.K. (2019) Rising Water and Sinking Land: The Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Delta. PNAS, 117, 1867-1876 ;
235. Buvaneshwari S., Riotte J., Sekhar M., Sharma A.K., Helliwell R., Mohan Kumar, M. S., Braun J.J., Ruiz R. (2020) Potash fertilizer promotes incipient salinization in groundwater irrigated semi-arid agriculture. Scientific Reports.
234. Dharumarajan, S., Kalaiselvi, B., Suputhra, A., Lalitha, M., Hegde, R., Singh, S.K. and Lagacherie, P., 2020. Digital soil mapping of key GlobalSoilMap properties in Northern Karnataka Plateau. Geoderma Regional, 20, p.e00250.
233. Prabhakaran D.C., Ramamurthy P.C., Sivry Y. and S. Subramanian (2020) Electrochemical detection of Cr(VI) and Cr(III) ions present in aqueous solutions using bio-modified carbon paste electrode: A voltammetric study. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry.
232. Guétat-Bernard, H., Landy, F., Oger-Marengo, M., Deschamps-Rébéré, J., Ruiz L. 2020 Injustices environnementales, crise de l’eau et crise de la reproduction sociale du monde paysan… Les effets multiplicateurs de la Révolution verte en Inde. Nature & Progrès, 125, 35-37.
231. Izumo T., Vialard J., Lengaigne M., Suresh I. (2020) Relevance of Relative Sea Surface Temperature for Tropical Rainfall Interannual Variability. Geophysical Research Letters, 2020, 47 (3),
230. Jouquet, P., Jamoteau, F., Majumdar, S., Podwojewski, P., Nagabovanalli, P., Caner, L., Barboni, D., Meunier, J.D., 2020. The distribution of Silicon in soil is influenced by termite bioturbation in South Indian forest soils. Geoderma 372, 114362.
229. Khan J.U., Durand F., Testut L., Krien Y., Islam A.K.M. S. (2020) Sea level rise inducing tidal modulation along the coasts of Bengal delta. Continental Shelf Research,
228. Sherin V. R., Durand F., Papa F., Saiful Islam AKM, Gopalakrishna V. V., Khaki M., Suneel V. (2020) Evidences of recent salinity intrusion in the Bengal delta. Continental Shelf Research,
227. Sooraj, K.P., P. Terray, A. Shillin and M. Mujumdar (2019) Dynamics of rainfall extremes over India: a new perspective. International Journal of Climatology 40, 5223-5245.
226. Cai W., L. Wu, M. Lengaigne et al. : Pantropical climate interactions. Science, 363(6430), eaav4236.
225. Cheik S., Ramesh Shanbhag R., Harit A., Bottinelli N., Sukumar R. and Jouquet P. (2019) Linking Termite Feeding Preferences and Soil Physical Functioning in Southern-Indian Woodlands. Insects 10, 4;
224. Durand F., Piecuch C., Becker M., Papa F., Sherin V. R., Khan J. U., Ponte R., Impact of continental freshwater runoff on coastal sea level. Surveys in Geophysics,
223. Ganesh Subramanian P.S, Harsha R., Manju D.K., Hemanth M., Lakshminarayana R., Anand M.S., Dasappa S. (2019) Characterization of Plasma Activated Water for Medical Applications. Advanced Materials Letters, 10(12), 919-923 ;
222. Gomez, C., Dharumarajan, S., Féret, J. B., Lagacherie, P., Ruiz, L., & Sekhar, M. (2019) Use of sentinel-2 time-series images for classification and uncertainty analysis of inherent biophysical property: Case of soil texture mapping. Remote Sensing, 11(5), 565.
221. Gopika S., T. Izumo, J. Vialard, M. Lengaigne, I. Suresh, R. Kumar (2019) Aliasing of the Indian Ocean externally-forced warming spatial pattern by internal climate variability, Climate Dynamics, 1-21, 5653-5673,
220. Hermes J., Y. Masumoto et al. (2019) A sustained ocean observing system in the Indian Ocean for climate related scientific knowledge and societal needs, Frontiers in Marine Science, 6, 355,
219. Khan J. U., Ansary N., Durand F., Testut L., Ishaque M., Calmant S., Krien Y., Islam A.K.M. S., Papa F., High Resolution Intertidal Topography from Sentinel-2 Multi-Spectral Imagery: Synergy between Remote Sensing and Numerical Modelling. Remote Sensing, 11, 2888;
218. Krishnamohan K.S., Vialard J., Lengaigne M., Masson S., Samson G., Pous S., Neetu S, Durand F., Shenoi S., Madec G. (2019) Is there an effect of Bay of Bengal salinity on the Northern Indian Ocean Climate? Deep Sea Res II, 166, 19-33.
217. Lengaigne M., Neetu S., Samson G., Vialard J., Krishnamohan K.S., Masson S., Jullien S., Suresh I., Menkes C. (2019) Influence of air-sea coupling on Indian Ocean Tropical Cyclones, Climate Dynamics, 52, 577-598,
216. Mathian M., Aufort J., Braun J.J., Riotte J., Selo M., Balan E., Fritsch E., Bhattacharya S., Allard T. (2019) Unraveling weathering episodes in Tertiary regoliths by kaolinite dating (Western Ghats, India). Gondwana Research 69, 89-105.
215. Neetu S., M. Lengaigne, J. Vialard, K.S. Krishnamohan, S. Masson: Pre/post-monsoon Bay of Bengal Tropical Cyclones intensity: role of air-sea coupling and background atmospheric state, Geophysical Research Letters,
214. Nidheesh A.G., Lengaigne M., Vialard J., Izumo T., Unnikrishnan A.S., Krishnan R. (2019) Natural decadal sea-level variability in the Indian Ocean: Lessons from CMIP models, Climate Dynamics, 531-21 ;
213. Ponte R., Carson M., Cirano M., Domingues C., Jevrejeva S., Marcos M., Mitchum G., van de Wal R. S. W., Woodworth P. L., Ablain M., Ardhuin F., Ballu V., Becker M., Benveniste J., Birol F., Bradshaw E., Cazenave A., De Mey-Frémaux P., Durand F., et al., (2019) Towards comprehensive observing and modeling systems for monitoring and predicting regional to coastal sea level. Frontiers in Marine Science, 6:437,
212. Prabhakaran D.C., Bolaños-Benitez V., Sivry Y., Gélabert A., Riotte J., Subramanian S. (2019) Mechanistic studies on the bioremediation of Cr(VI) using Sphingopyxis macrogoltabida SUK2c, a Cr(VI) tolerant bacterial isolate. Biochemical Engineering Journal 150,
211. Punith N., Harsha R., Lakshminarayana R., Hemanth M., Anand M. S., Dasappa S. (2019) Plasma Activated Water Generation and its Application in Agriculture. Advanced Materials Letters, 10(10), 700-704.
210. Rahman S., Islam A.S., Tazkia A.R., Shaha P.K., Krien Y., Durand F., Testut L., Islam G.M.T., Bala S.K. (2019) Impact of sea level rise on cyclonic storm surges in Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Delta. Journal of Earth System Science 128:145,
209. Rohith B., Arya P., Durand F., Testut L., Prerna S., Ramakrishna SSVS and Shenoi SSC (2019) Basin-wide sea level coherency in tropical Indian Ocean driven by Madden-Julian Oscillation. Nature Comm.,
208. Sharma, A. K., Hubert-Moy, L., Sriramulu, B., Sekhar, M., Ruiz, L., Bandyopadhyay, S., Shiv Mohan & Corgne, S. (2019) Evaluation of Radarsat-2 quad-pol SAR time-series images for monitoring groundwater irrigation. International Journal of Digital Earth, 1-21.
207. Sooraj, K.P., P. Terray, S. Masson and J. Cretat (2019) Modulations of the Indian summer monsoon by the hot subtropical deserts: insights from sensitivity experiments. Climate Dynamics, Vol. 52, 4527–4555,
206. Stammer D. et al.: Ocean climate observing requirements in support of Climate Research and Climate Information, Frontiers in Marine Science, 6, 444,
205. Todd R.E. et al.: Global Perspectives on Observing Ocean Boundary Current Systems, Frontiers in Marine Science, 6, 423,
204. Zribi M., Sekhar M., Bousbih S., Al Bitar A., Tomer S.K., Baghdadi N. and Bandyopadhyay, S. (2019). Analysis of L-Band SAR Data for Soil Moisture Estimations over Agricultural Areas in the Tropics. Remote Sensing, 11(9), 1122.
203. Bergmann M., F. Durand, Y. Krien, Md. J. U. Khan, M. Ishaque, L. Testut, S. Calmant, P. Maisongrande, A.K.M. S. Islam, F. Papa and S. Ouillon (2018), Topography of the intertidal zone along the shoreline of Chittagong (Bangladesh) using PROBA-V imagery, Int. J. Remote Sens.,
202. Bolaños-Benítez V., van Hullebusch E.D., Lens P.N.L., Quantin C., van de Vossenberg J., S. Subramanian, Sivry Y. (2018) (Bio)leaching Behavior of Chromite Tailings, Minerals, 8, 261;
201. Braun J.J., Riotte J., Battacharya S., Violette A., Oliva P., Prunier J., Maréchal J.C., Ruiz L., Audry S. and S. Subramanian (2018) REY-Th-U Solid Dynamics in the Critical Zone: Combined Influence of Reactive Bedrock Accessory Minerals, Authigenic Phases and Hydrological Sorting (Mule Hole Watershed, South India. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 19, 1611–1635.
200. Cheik, S., Bottinelli, N., Soudan, B., Harit, A., Chaudhary, E., Sukumar, R., Jouquet P. 2018. Effects of termite foraging activity on topsoil physical properties and water infiltration in Vertisol. Applied Soil Ecology,
199. Cheik, S., Bottinelli, N., Sukumar R., Jouquet, P., Fungus-growing termite foraging activity increases water infiltration but only slightly impacts soil physical properties in Southern Indian woodlands. European Journal of Soil Biology 89: 20-24 ;
198. Chitra-Tarak R., Ruiz L., Dattaraja H. S., Kumar M.S.M., Riotte J., Suresh H. S., McMahon S.M., Sukumar R. (2018) The roots of the drought: Hydrology and water uptake strategies mediate forest-wide demographic response to precipitation. J. Ecol. 106, 1495–1507.
197. Cretat, J., P. Terray, S. Masson and K.P. Sooraj, 2018: Intrinsic precursors and timescale of the tropical Indian Ocean Dipole : Insights from partially decoupled experiment. Climate Dynamics, 51, 1311-1352,
196. Gaillardet J., Braud I., Hankard F. + 146 auteurs (2018) OZCAR: the French network of Critical 1 Zone Observatories. Vadose zone Journal.
195. Izumo, T., M. Lengaigne, J. Vialard, I. Suresh, and Y. Planton (2018) On the physical interpretation of the lead relation between Warm Water Volume end the El Niño-Southern Oscillation, Clim.Dyn.,
194. Izumo, T., Khodri, M., Lengaigne, M., & Suresh, I. (2018) A Subsurface Indian Ocean Dipole Response to Tropical Volcanic Eruptions, Geophysical Research Letters.45, 9150-9159 ;
193. Jouquet, P., Pando, A., Aroui, H., Harit, A., Capowiez, Y., Bottinelli, N. (2018) Evidence from Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy (MIRS) that the biochemical fingerprints of Odontotermes obesus colonies change according to their geographical location and age. Insectes Sociaux, 65, 77-84 ;
192. Jouquet, P., Chaudhary, E., ARV Kumar. (2018) Sustainable use of termite activity in agro-ecosystems with reference to earthworms. A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 38:373 ;
191. Khaki M., E. Forootan, M. Kuhn, J. Awange, F. Papa and C.K. Shum (2018), A Study of Bangladesh’s Sub-surface Water Storages Using Satellite Products and Data Assimilation Scheme, Sci. Total Environ., 625, 963–977,
190. Lengaigne, M., S. Neetu, G. Samson, J. Vialard, K.S. Krishnamohan, S. Masson, S. Jullien, I. Suresh, and C. E. Menkes (2018) Influence of air-sea coupling on Indian Ocean Tropical Cyclones, Clim. Dyn.,
189. Mangiarotti S., Sharma A.K., Corgne S., Hubert-Moy L., Ruiz L., Sekhar M., Kerr Y. (2018) Can the global modeling technique be used for crop classification? Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 106, 363–378 ;
188. Mani S., Merino A., García-Oliva F., Riotte J., Sukumar R. (2018) Soil properties and organic matter quality in relation to climate and vegetation in southern Indian tropical ecosystems. Soil Research, 56, 80-90.
187. Meunier J.D., Sandhya K., & Prakash N.B., Borschneck D., Dussouillez P. (2018) pH as a proxy for estimating plant-available Si? A case study in rice fields in Karnataka (South India). Plant Soil,
186. Minu S, Shetty A, Gomez C (2018) Hybrid atmospheric correction algorithms and evaluation on VNIR/SWIR Hyperion satellite data for soil organic carbon prediction. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 1-25 ;
185. Naga Samrat M.V.V., Riotte J., SenGupta A.K., and Kesava Rao K. (2018) Defluoridation of reject water from a reverse osmosis unit and synthetic water using adsorption”, J. Water Process. Eng. 23, 327-337.
184. Priyanka B.N., Mohan Kumar M.S. and Mahesha Amai (2018) “Estimating anisotropic heterogeneous hydraulic conductivity and dispersivity in a layered coastal aquifer of Dakshina Kannada District, Karnataka” Journal of Hydrology, 565, 302-317 ;
183. Raju S. V., F. Durand, V. V. Gopalakrishna, S. Anuvinda, A. V. S. Chaitanya, R. Bourdalle-Badie and F. Papa (2018), Signature of Indian Ocean Dipole on the western boundary current of the Bay of Bengal, Deep Sea Research I, 136, 91-106,
182. Riotte J., Sandhya K., Prakash N.B., Audry S., Zambardi T., Chmeleff J., Buvaneshwari S., Meunier J.D. (2018) Origin of silica in rice plants and contribution of diatom earth fertilization: insights from isotopic Si mass balance in a paddy field. Plant and Soil 423, 481–501.
181. Riotte J., Meunier J.D., Zambardi T., Audry S., Barboni D., Anupama K., Prasad S., Chmeleff J., Poitrasson P., Sekhar M., Braun J.J. (2018) Processes controlling silicon isotopic fractionation in a forested tropical watershed: Mule Hole Critical Zone Observatory (Southern India). Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 228, 301-319. ;
180. Robert, M., Bergez J.-E., and Thomas A. (2018) A stochastic dynamic programming approach to analyze adaptation to climate change–Application to groundwater irrigation in India. European Journal of Operational Research, 265.3, 1033-1045 ;
179. Robert, M, Thomas A, Sekhar M, Raynal H, Casellas E, Casel P, Chabrier P, Joannon A, and Bergez JE. « A dynamic model for water management at the farm level integrating strategic, tactical and operational decisions. » Environmental Modelling & Software, 100,: 123-135 ;
178. Sandhya K., Prakash N.B., Meunier J.D. (2018) Diatomaceous earth as source of silicon on the growth and yield of rice in contrasted soils of Southern India. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 18, 344-360 ;
177. Sharma A., Hubert-Moy L., Buvaneshwari S., Sekhar M., Ruiz L., Bandyopadhyay S., & Corgne S. (2018) Irrigation history estimation using multitemporal Landsat satellite Images: application to an intensive groundwater irrigated agricultural watershed in India. Remote Sensing, 10(6), 893.
176. Sooraj, K.P., P. Terray, S. Masson and J. Cretat (2018) Modulations of the Indian summer monsoon by the hot subtropical deserts : insights from sensitivity experiments. Climate Dynamics,
175. Tripti M., Gurumurthy G.P., Lambs L., Riotte J., Balakrishna K. (2018) Water and organic carbon cycles in monsoon-driven humid tropics of the Western Ghats mountain belt, India: insights from stable isotope approach. JGSI Special Issue.
174. Aires F., L. Miolane, C. Prigent, B. Pham-Duc, E. Fluet-Chouinard, B. Lehner and F. Papa (2017), A Global dynamic and long-term inundation extent dataset at high spatial resolution derived through downscaling of satellite observations, J. Hydrometeor., 18, 1305-1325,
173. Braun J.J., Riotte J., Battacharya S., Violette A., Prunier J., Bouvier V., Candaudap F., Maréchal J.C., Ruiz L., Rekha Panda S., Subramanian S. (2017) REY-Th-U solute dynamics in the Critical Zone: Combined influence of chemical weathering, atmospheric deposit leaching and vegetation cycling (Mule Hole watershed, South India). Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 18, 4409–4425 ;
172. Buvaneshwari S, Riotte J, Sekhar M, Mohan Kumar MS, Sharma AK, Duprey JL, Audry S, Giriraj PR, Yerabham P, Moger H, Durand P, Braun JJ and Ruiz L (2017) High spatial variability of nitrate contamination in the hard rock aquifer of an irrigated catchment: Implications for water resource assessment. Sci. Tot. Env. 579, 838-847.
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164. Jouquet, P., Caner, L., Bottinelli, N., Cheik, S., Riotte, J. (2017) Where do south-Indian termite mound soils come from? Applied Soil Ecology, 117-118, 190-195 ;
163. Jouquet P., Airola, E., Guilleux, N., Harit, A., Chaudhary, E., Grellier, S., Riotte, J. (2017) Abundance and impact on soil properties of cathedral and lenticular termite mounds in Southern Indian woodlands. Ecosystems, 20, 769-780 ;
162. Keerthi M.G., M. Lengaigne, M. Levy, J. Vialard, C. de Boyer Montegut (2017) Physical control of the northern Arabian Sea winter chlorophyll bloom interannual variations, Biogeosciences, 14, 3615-3632 ;
161. Krien, Y., L. Testut L., A.K.M.S Islam, X. Bertin, F. Durand, C. Mayet, A. R. Tazkia, M. Becker, S. Calmant, F. Papa, V. Ballu, C. K. Shum and Z. H. Khan (2017) Towards improved storm surge models in the northern Bay of Bengal, Continental Shelf Research, 135, 58-73,
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155. Nidheesh A.G., M. Lengaigne, J. Vialard, T. Izumo, A.S. Unnikrishnan, B. Meyssignac, B. Hamlington (2017) Robustness of observationally-derived decadal sea-level variability in the Indo-Pacific region, Geophysical Research Letters,
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153. Narvekar, P.S., Tomer, S.K., Sekhar, M., Shiv Mohan, Bandyopadhyay, S., Jackson, T. and Entekhabi, D. (2017) High Resolution Land Surface Geophysical Parameters Estimation from ALOS PALSAR data. Journal of The Remote Sensing Society of Japan, 37. 105-111.
152. Parvathi V., I. Suresh, M. Lengaigne, T. Izumo, J. Vialard (2017) Robust projected weakening of winter monsoon winds over the Arabian Sea under climate change, Geophysical Research Letters, in press ;
151. Parvathi V., I. Suresh, M. Lengaigne, C. Ethé, J. Vialard, M. Levy, S. Neetu, O. Aumont, L. Resplandy, H. Naik, SWA. Naqvi (2017) Positive Indian Ocean Dipole events prevent anoxia along the west coast of India, Biogeosciences, 14: 1541-1559,
150. Prabhakaran D.C., Riotte J., Sivry Y., Subramanian S. (2017) Electroanalytical detection of CrVI and CrIII ions using a novel microbial sensor. Electroanalysis, 29.
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144. Samson, G., S. Masson, F. Durand, P. Terray, S. Berthet and S. Jullien (2017) Role of land surface albedo and horizontal resolution on the Indian Summer Monsoon biases in a coupled ocean-atmosphere tropical-channel model. Climate dynamics, 48, 1571–1594,
143. Shanbhag R.R., Sundararaj R., Kabbaj M., Jouquet P. (2017) Rainfall and soil properties influence termite mound abundance and height. A case of Odontotermes obesus (Macrotermitinae) mounds in the Indian Western Ghats forests. Applied soil Ecology, 111, 33-38. ;
142. Sreelash K, Buis S., Sekhar M., Ruiz L., Sat Kumar T., Guerif M. (2017) Estimation of available water capacity components of two-layered soils using crop model inversion: Effect of crop type and water regime. Journal of Hydrology. 546, 166-178
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139. Akhil, V.P. M. Lengaigne, F. Durand, J. Vialard, A. V. S. Chaitanya, M.G. Keerthi, V.V. Gopalakrishna, J. Boutin, C. de Boyer Montégut (2016) Assessment of seasonal and interannual surface salinity signals retrieved from SMOS and Aquarius missions in the Bay of Bengal. Int. J. Remote Sensing, 37, 1089-1114. 1.
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135. Divyasree C. Prabhakaran, J. Riotte, and S. Subramanian (2016) Bioremediation of hexavalent and trivalent chromium using Citrobacter freundii: A mechanistic study. Natural Resources and Engineering, 1, 1-12.
134. Divyasree C. Prabhakaran, Sivry Y., Riotte J., and S. Subramanian (2016) Studies on the bioremediation of chromium using a bacterial strain isolated from a chromite mine. IMPC 2016: XXVIII International Mineral Processing Congress Proceedings – ISBN: 978-1-926872-29-2, 1-11, Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum ;
133. Eswar, R., Sekhar, M., Bhattacharya, B.K. (2016). Disaggregation of LST over India: Comparative analysis of different vegetation indices. International Journal of Remote Sensing.
132. Izumo T, J. Vialard, H. Dayan, M. Lengaigne, I. Suresh (2016) A simple estimation of equatorial Pacific response from windstress to untangle Indian Ocean Dipole and Basin influence on El Niño, Climate Dynamics, 46, 2247–2268.
131. Jouquet P., Bottinelli, N., Shanvhag, R.R., Bourguignon, T., Traoré, S., Abbasi, S.A. (2016) Termites: The Neglected soil engineers of tropical soils. Soil Science (invitation) 181 (3/4): 157-165.
130. Jouquet P., Chintakunta S., Bottinelli N., Subramanian S., Caner L. (2016) The influence of fungus-growing termites on soil macro and micro-aggregates stability varies with soil type. Applied Soil Ecology, 101, 117-123.
129. Jouquet P., Guilleux, N., Caner, L., Chintakunta, S., Ameline, M., Shanbhag, R. (2016) Influence of soil pedological properties on termite mound stability. Geoderma, 262, 45-51.
128. Jourdain N, M. Lengaigne, J. Vialard, T. Izumo, A. Sen Gupta (2016) Further insights on the influence of the Indian Ocean Dipole on the following year’s ENSO from observations and CMIP5 models, Journal of Climate, 29, 637-658 ;
127. Keerthi MG, M. Lengaigne, K. Drushka, J. Vialard, C. deBoyer Montegut, M. Levy, P.M. Muraleedharan, (2016) Intraseasonal variability of mixed layer depth in the tropical Indian Ocean, Climate Dynamics, 46, 2633-2655.
126. Kizza T., Sekhar M., Sudhakar M.R., Ruiz L. (2016) Model Based Estimation Of Turmeric Yield Response To Saline Groundwater Irrigation. Int. J. Sci. Res. Engin. Stud. (IJSRES), 3 (10), 8-12.
125. Krien Y., Mayet C., Testut L., Durand F., Tazkia A.R., Islam A.K.M.S., Gopalakrishna V.V., Becker M., Calmant S., Shum C.K., Khan Z.H., Papa F.& Ballu V. (2016) Improved bathymetric dataset and tidal model for the northern Bay of Bengal, Marine Geodesy,
124. Krishnan, R., T.P. Sabin, R. Vellore, M. Mujumdar, J. Sanjay, B.N. Goswami, F. Hourdin, J-L. Dufresne, P. Terray (2016) Deciphering the desiccation trend of the South Asian monsoon hydroclimate in a warming world. Climate Dynamics Vol. 47, 2507-2533,
123. Mangiarotti S., Sharma A. K., Sekhar M., Corgne S., Ruiz L., Hubert-Moy L. & Kerr Y. (2016) La modélisation du chaos appliquée à la classification des couverts agricoles (bassin versant de Berambadi, Inde du Sud), 19e Rencontre du Non Linéaire, 19, Paris, France, 73-78.
122. Maréchal J.C., Riotte J., Ruiz L., Sekhar M. and Braun J.-J. (2016) Impact of the Forest on the Hydrological Cycle and Chemical Balance in a Tropical Humid Watershed (Mule Hole, India) Impact de la forêt sur le cycle hydrologique et le bilan de matière dans un bassin versant tropical humide (Mule Hole, Inde). In Forest and the Water Cycle: Quantity, Quality, Management (Eds Lachassagne & Lafforgue), Cambridge Scholars Editing, 72-100.
121. Prigent, C., Dennis P. Lettenmaier, F. Aires and F. Papa (2016) Towards a high resolution monitoring of continental surface water extent and dynamics, at global scale: from GIEMS (Global Inundation Extent from Multi-Satellites) to SWOT (Surface Water Ocean Topography), Surveys in Geophysics, 37, 339–355 ;
120. Pulla S., Riotte J., Suresh H. S., Dattaraja H. S., Sukumar R. (2016) Controls of soil spatial variability in a dry tropical forest. PLoS ONE,
119. Puy M., J. Vialard, M. Lengaigne, E. Guilyardi, 2015 : Modulation of equatorial Pacific Westerly/Easterly Wind Events by the Madden-Julian Oscillation and convectively-coupled Rossby waves, Climate Dynamics, 46, 2155-2178 ;
118. Robert M., Dury J., Thomas A., Therond O., Sekhar M., Badiger S., Ruiz L., Bergez J.E. (2016) CMFDM: A methodology to guide the design of a conceptual model of farmers’ decision-making processes. Agricultural Systems 148, 86-94 ;
117. Robert M., Thomas A., Sekhar M., Badiger S., Ruiz L., Raynal H., Bergez J.E. (2016) Adaptive and dynamic decision-making processes: A conceptual model of production systems on Indian farms. Agricultural Systems ;
116. Samson, G., Masson S., Durand F., Terray P., Berthet S., Jullien S. (2016) Role of land surface albedo and horizontal resolution on the Indian Summer Monsoon biases in a coupled ocean-atmosphere tropical-channel model. Climate dynamics,
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114. Sekhar M., Riotte J., Ruiz L., Jouquet P and Braun J.J. (2016) Influences of Climate and Agriculture on Water and Biogeochemical Cycles: Kabini Critical Zone Observatory. Proc. Ind. Nat. Sci. Acad., 82, 833-846.
113. Sengupta D., Bharath Raj G. N., Ravichandran M., Sree Lekha J. and Papa F. (2016), Near-surface salinity in the north Bay of Bengal from moored observations, Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, 4448–4456, 339.
112. Sooraj, K.P., Terray P., Xavier P. (2016) Sub-seasonal behaviour of Asian summer monsoon under a changing climate: assessments using CMIP5 models. Climate Dynamics, 46, 1007-1027,
111. Suresh I., J. Vialard, T. Izumo, M. Lengaigne, W. Han, J. McCreary, P.M. Muraleedharan (2016) Dominant role of winds near the southern tip of India in driving the seasonal sea level variations along the Indian West Coast, Geophys. Res. Lett.,
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109. Testut L. and A.S. Unnikrishnan (2016) Improving modelling of tides on the continental shelf off the west coast of India. J. Coastal Res 32, 105-115.
108. Thadathil P, I. Suresh, S. Gautham, S. Prasanna Kumar, M. Lengaigne, H. Akshay, R.R.Rao, S. Neetu, and Y.K. Somayajulu (2016) Surface layer temperature inversion in the Bay of Bengal: Main characteristics and related mechanisms, JGR-Ocean, 121, 5682-5696.
107. Vialard J., M. Lengaigne, T. Izumo, V.P. Akhil, B.B.M. Afroosa, A.V.S. Chaitanya, M.G. Keerthi, A.G. Nidheesh, R.S. Lakshmi, V. Parvathi, M. Teesha, S. Neetu, I. Suresh, V.V. Gopalakrishna, P.M. Muraleedharan, A.S. Unnikrishnan, W. Naqvi (2015) Studying the Indian Ocean Within the Indo-French Collaborative Network, CLIVAR Exchanges, No.68 (Vol 19, No.3).
106. Andréfouët S., C. Dutheil, C. E. Menkes, M. Bador, M. Lengaigne, 2015 : Mass mortality events in atoll lagoons : environmental control and increased future vulnerability, Global Change Biology, 21, 195-205.
105. Bottinelli, N., Jouquet P., Podwojewski, P., Grimaldi, M., Peng, X. (2015) Why is the influence of soil macrofauna on soil structure only considered by soil ecologists? Soil and Tillage Research, 146, 118-124.
104. Cai W, A. Santoso, G. Wang, S.W. Yeh, S.I. An, K. Cobb, M. Collins, E. Guilyardi, F.-F. Jin, J.-S. Kug, M. Lengaigne, M. J. McPhaden, K. Takahashi, A. Timmermann, G. Vecchi, M. Watanabe, L. Wu (2015) ENSO extremes in a warming climate, Nature Climate Change.
103. Chaitanya A. V. S., F. Durand, S. Mathew, V.V. Gopalakrishna, F. Papa, M. Lengaigne, J. Vialard, Ch. Krantikumar and R. Venkatesan (2015) Observed year-to-year sea surface salinity variability in the Bay of Bengal during the period 2009 – 2014, Ocean Dynamics, 65, 173–186.
102. Chitra-Tarak R., Ruiz L., Pulla S., Dattaraja H. S., Suresh H. S., & Sukumar R. (2015) And yet it shrinks: A novel method for correcting bias in forest tree growth estimates caused by water-induced fluctuations. Forest Ecology and Management, 336, 129-136.
101. Dar F.A., Perrin J., Ahmed S., Narayana A.C., Riotte J. (2015) Hydrogeochemical characteristics of Karst Aquifer from a semi-arid region of Southern India and impact of rainfall recharge on groundwater chemistry. Arab. J. Geosci. 8, 2739–2750.
100. Drushka K., H. Bellenger, E. Guilyardi, M. Lengaigne, J. Vialard (2015) Processes driving intraseasonal displacements of the western Pacific warm pool eastern edge : the contribution of westerly wind events, Climate Dynamics, 44, 735-755 ;
99. Fedorov, A. V., S. Hu, M. Lengaigne, E. Guilyardi (2015) The impact of westerly wind bursts and ocean intial state on the development and diversity of El Niño events, Climate Dynamics, 44, 1381–1401 ;
98. Fluet-Chouinard E., B. Lehner, L.-M. Rebelo, F. Papa and S. K. Hamilton (2015), Development of a global inundation map at high spatial resolution from topographic downscaling of coarse-scale remote sensing data, Remote Sens. of Environ., 154, 348–361 ;
97. Fovet O., Ruiz L., Faucheux M., Molénat J., Sekhar M., Vertès F., Aquilina L., Gascuel-Odoux C. and Durand P. (2015) Using long time series of agricultural-derived nitrates pollutions for estimating catchment transit times. Journal of Hydrology, 522, 603–617 ;
96. Frappart, F., F. Papa, V. Marieu, Y. Malbeteau, F. Jordy, S. Calmant, F. Durand and S. K. Bala (2015), Preliminary assessment of SARAL/AltiKa observations over the Ganges-Brahmaputra and Irrawaddy Rivers, Marine Geodesy, 38, 568–580 ;
95. Gurumurthy G. P., Balakrishna K., Tripti M., Riotte J., Audry S., Braun J.J. (2015) Use of Sr isotopes as a tool to decipher the soil weathering processes in a tropical river catchment, Southwestern India. Appl. Geochem. 63, 498-506 ;
94. Gurumurthy G. P., Balakrishna K., Tripti M., Riotte J., Audry S., Braun J.J., Lambs L., Udaya Shankar H. N. (2015) Sources of major ions and processes affecting the geochemical and isotopic signatures of subsurface waters along a tropical river, Southwestern India. Environ. Earth Sci., 73, 333-346 ;
93. Jouquet P., Guilleux, N., Chintakunta, S., Mendez M., Shanbhag, R.R., 2015. The influence of termites on soil sheeting properties varies depending on the materials on which they feed. Eur. J. Soil Biol. 69, 74-78 ;
92. Jouquet P., Guilleux, N., Shanbhag, R.R., Subramanian, S., Influence of soil type on the properties of termite mound nests in Southern India. Applied Soil Ecology, 96, 282–287 ;
91. Meunier J.D., Riotte J., Braun J.J., Muddu S., Chalié F., Barboni D. Saccone L. (2015) Controls of DSi in streams and reservoirs along the Kaveri River, South India. Sci. Tot. Env. 502, 103-113 ;
90. Pant, V., M. S. Girishkumar, T. V. S. Udaya Bhaskar,M. Ravichandran, F. Papa, and V. P. Thangaprakash (2015), Observed interannual variability of near-surface salinity in the Bay of Bengal, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 120, 3315–3329 ;
89. Papa, F., F. Frappart, Y. Malbeteau, M. Shamsudduha, V. Venugopal, M. Sekhar, G. Ramillien, C. Prigent, F. Aires, R. K. Pandey, S. Bala and S. Calmant (2015) Satellite-derived Surface and Sub-surface Water Storage in the Ganges-Brahmaputra River Basin, Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, special issue on « Groundwater system of the Indian Sub-Continent », 4, 15-35 ;
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87. Prodhomme, C., P. Terray, S. Masson, G. Boschat, T. Izumo, (2015) Oceanic factors controlling the Indian Summer Monsoon Onset in a coupled model. Climate Dynamics, 44, 977–1002 ;
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83. Saint-Lu M., P. Braconnot, J. Leloup, M. Lengaigne, O. Marti (2015) Changes in the ENSO/SPCZ relationship from past to future climates, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 412, 18-24 ;
82. Seetha, N., Mohan Kumar, M.S., Hassanizadeh, S.M. (2015) Modeling the co-transport of viruses and colloids in unsaturated porous media. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 164, 163-180 ;
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79. Subash, Y., Sekhar, M., Tomer, S.K., Sharma, A.K. A framework for assessment of climate change impacts on the groundwater system. (In: Sustainable Water Resources Management, Editors: C.S.P Ojha, S. Rao, T. Zhang and A. Bardossy. ASCE Book Chapter;
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77. Unnikrishnan, AS, AG Nidheesh, M Lengaigne (2015) Sea-level-rise trends off the Indian coasts during the last two decades, Current Science, 108, 966-971.
76. Akhil V. P., Durand F., Lengaigne M., Vialard ., Keerthi M. G., Gopalakrishna V. V., Deltel C., Papa F., Montegut C. D. A (2014) A modeling study of the processes of surface salinity seasonal cycle in the Bay of Bengal. Journal of Geophysical Research.Oceans, 119, 3926-3947 ;
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74. Audry S., Akerman A., Riotte J., Oliva P., Maréchal J.C., Fraysse F., Pokrovsky O., Braun J.J. (2014) Contribution of forest fire ash and plant litter decay on stream dissolved composition in a sub-humid tropical watershed (Mule Hole, Southern India). Chem. Geol. 372, 144-161 ;
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63. Jourdain, N., B. Barnier, J. Vialard, N. Ferry, C. E. Menkes, M. Lengaigne, L. Parent (2014) Tropical cyclones in two atmospheric reanalyses and their response in two oceanic reanalyses, Ocean Modelling, 73, 108-122 ;
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57. Meunier J. D., Keller C., Guntzer F., Riotte J., Braun J.J., Krishnamurty A. (2014) Assessment of the 1% Na2CO3 technique to quantify the phytolith pool. Geoderma, 216, 30-35 ;
56. Morioka, Y., S. Masson, P. Terray, C. Prodhomme, S.K. Behera and Y. Masumoto, 2014: Role of Tropical SST Variability on the Formation of Subtropical Dipoles. Journal of Climate, 27, 4486-4507,
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52. Praveen Kumar, J. Vialard, M. Lengaigne, V.S.N. Murty, G.R. Foltz, M.J. McPhaden, S. Pous, and C. de Boyer Montégut (2014) Processes of interannual mixed layer temperature variability in the thermocline ridge of the Indian Ocean, Climate Dynamics, 43, 2377–2397 ;
51. Riotte J., Maréchal J.C., Audry S., Kumar C., Bedimo J.P., Ruiz L., Sekhar M., Cisel M., Chitra Tarak R., Varma M.R.R., Lagane C., Reddy P. and Braun J.J. (2014) Vegetation impact on stream chemical fluxes: Mule Hole watershed (South India). Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 145, 116-138 ;
50. Riotte J., Ruiz L., Audry S., Sekhar M., Mohan Kumar M.S., Siva Soumya B. and Braun J.J. (2014) Impact of vegetation and decennial rainfall fluctuations on the weathering fluxes exported from a dry tropical forest (Mule Hole). Proc. Earth Planet. Sci. 10, 34-37 ;
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42. Usha Manohar and Mohan Kumar, M. S (2014) « Modeling Equitable Distribution of Water: Dynamic Inversion Based Controller Approach » Journal of Water Resources Planning Management, 140, 607–619 ;
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40. Chaudhuri A, Sekhar M, Descloitres M, Godderis Y, Ruiz L and Braun JJ 2013 Constraining complex aquifer geometry with geophysics (2-D ERT and MRS measurements) for stochastic modelling of groundwater flow. J. Appl. Geophys., 98, 288–297.
39. Eswar R., Sekhar M., Bhattacharya B.K. (2013) A simple model for spatial disaggregation of evaporative fraction: Comparative study with thermal sharpened land surface temperature data over India, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 118, 12.029-12.044.
38. Gurumurthy GP., Balakrishna K., Tripti M., Audry S., Riotte J., Braun J.J., Udaya Shankar HN (2013) Geochemical behaviour of dissolved trace elements in a monsoon dominated tropical river basin, Southwestern India. Env. Sci. Poll. Res.
37. Sekhar, M., Shindekar, M., Tomer, S. K., and Goswami, P. (2013). Modeling the vulnerability of an urban groundwater system due to the combined impacts of climate change and management scenarios. Journal of Earth Interactions, AGU, 17, 1-25.
36. Siva Soumya, B., Sekhar, M., Riotte, J., Banerjee, A., Braun, J.J., 2013. Characterization of groundwater chemistry under the influence of lithologic and anthropogenic factors along a climatic gradient in Upper Cauvery basin, South India. Environ. Earth Sci. 69, 2311–2335.
35. Sreelash, K., Sekhar, M., Ruiz, L., Buis, S., Bandyopadhyay, S., 2013. Improved Modeling of Groundwater Recharge in Agricultural Watersheds Using a Combination of Crop Model and Remote Sensing. J. Ind. Inst. Sci. 93, 189–208.
34. Braun J. J., Maréchal J. C., Riotte J., Boeglin J. L., Bedimo Bedimo J. P., Ndam J. R., Nyeck B., Robain H., Sekhar M., Audry S., Viers J. (2012) Elemental weathering fluxes and saprolite production rate in a Central African lateritic terrain (Nsimi, South Cameroon) Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, 99, 243-270.
33. Gurumurthy, G.P., Balakrishna, K., Riotte, J., Braun, J. J., Audry, S., Shankar, H.N.U., Manjunatha, B.R., 2012. Controls on intense silicate weathering in a tropical river, southwestern India. Chemical Geology 300, 61-69.
32. Mangiarotti, S., Sekhar, M., Berthon, L., Javeed, Y., Mazzega, P. (2012). Causality analysis of groundwater dynamics based on a Vector Autoregressive model in the semi-arid basin of Gundal (South India). Journal of Applied Geophysics, 83, pp.1-10.
31. Sreelash, K., Sekhar, M., Ruiz, L., Tomer, S. K., Guérif, M., Buis, S., Durand, P. and Gascuel-Odoux, C. (2012a). Parameter estimation of a two-horizon soil profile by combining crop canopy and surface soil moisture observations using GLUE, Journal of Hydrology, 456-457, 57-67.
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28. Maréchal J.C., Riotte J., Lagane C., Subramanian S., Kumar C., Ruiz L., Audry S., Varma M.R.R., Braun J.J. (2011) Deep groundwater flow as the main pathway for chemical outputs in a small headwater watershed. Applied Geochemistry 26, S94-S96.
27. Maréchal J.C., Braun J.J., Riotte J., Bedimo Bedimo J.P. and Boeglin J.L. (2011) Hydrological Processes of a Rainforest Headwater Swamp from Natural Chemical Tracing in Nsimi Watershed, Cameroon. Hydrol. Process. 25, 2246-2260.
26. Meunier, J.D., Braun, J.J., Riotte, J., Kumar, C., Sekhar, M., 2011. Importance of weathering and human perturbations on the riverine transport of Si. Applied Geochemistry 26, S360-S362.
25. Parate, H.R., Kumar, M.S.M., Descloitres, M., Barbiero, L., Ruiz, L., Braun, J.J., Sekhar, M., Kumar, C., 2011. Comparison of electrical resistivity by geophysical method and neutron probe logging for soil moisture monitoring in a forested watershed. Current Science 100, 1405-1412.
24. Soumya, B.S., Sekhar, M., Riotte, J., Audry, S., Lagane, C., Braun, J. J., 2011. Inverse models to analyze the spatiotemporal variations of chemical weathering fluxes in a granito-gneissic watershed: Mule Hole, South India. Geoderma 165, 12-24.
23. Barbiero L., Mohan Kumar M. S., Violette A., Oliva P., Braun J. J., Kumar C., Furian S., Babic M., Riotte J., Valles V. (2010) Soil transformations through ferrolysis induced by recent natural drainage in Vertisols of 1 sub-humid South India. Geoderma, 156, 173-188.
22. Chockalingam, S. Subramanian and J. J. Braun (2010) Bioremediation of acid mine water utilizing red mud and Desulfotomaculum nigrificans Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy. Trans. Inst. Min Metall. C, 119, 153-162.
21. Maréchal J.-C., Vouillamoz J.-M., Kumar M.S.M., Dewandel B. (2010) Estimating aquifer thickness using multiple pumping tests. Hydrogeology Journal, 18, 1787-1796.
20. Ruiz, L., Varma M.R.R., Mohan Kumar M.S., Sekhar M., Maréchal J.C., Descloitres M., Riotte J., and Braun J.J. (2010) Water balance modelling in a tropical watershed under deciduous forest (Mule Hole, India): regolith matric storage buffers the groundwater recharge process. J. Hydrol., 380, 460-472.
19. Violette A., Goddéris G., Maréchal J.M., Riotte J., Oliva P., Mohan Kumar M.S., Sekhar M., Braun J.J. (2010a) Modelling the chemical weathering fluxes at the watershed scale in the Tropics (Mule Hole, South India): Relative contribution of the smectite/kaolinite assemblage versus primary minerals. Chem. Geol, 277, 42-60.
18. Violette A., Riotte J., Braun J.J., Oliva P., Maréchal J.C., Sekhar M., Jeandel C., Subramanian S., Barbiero L. and Dupré B. (2010b) Formation and preservation of pedogenic carbonates in South India, links with paleomonsoon and pedological conditions: Clues from Sr isotopes, U-Th series and REEs, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 74, 7059-7085.
17. Braun, J.J., Descloitres, M., Riotte, J., Fleury, S., Barbiero, L., Boeglin, J.-L., Violette, A., Lacarce, E., Ruiz, L., Sekhar, M., Mohan Kumar, M.S., Subramanian, S., Dupre, B., 2009. Regolith mass balance inferred from combined mineralogical, geochemical and geophysical studies: Mule Hole gneissic watershed, South India. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 73, 935–961.
16. Maréchal, J.-C., Varma, M.R.R., Riotte, J., Vouillamoz, J.-M., Mohan Kumar, M.S., Ruiz, L., Sekhar, M., Braun, J.J., 2009. Indirect and direct recharges in a tropical forested watershed: Mule Hole, India. J. Hydrol. 364, 272–284.
15. Soumya, B.S., Sekhar, M., Riotte, J., Braun, J.J., 2009. Non-linear regression model for spatial variation in precipitation chemistry for South India. Atmos. Environ. 43, 1147–1152.
14. Descloitres M, Ruiz L, Sekhar M, Legchenko A, Braun J-J, Mohan Kumar M S and Subramanian S 2008, Characterization of seasonal local recharge using Electrical Resistivity Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Sounding. Hydrological Processes, 22, 384-394.
13. Sekhar M., J-J Braun, K. V. H. Rao, L Ruiz, H. Robain, J. Viers, J. R. Ndam and B. Dupré 2008 Hydrogeochemical modeling of organo-metallic colloids in the Nsimi experimental watershed, South Cameroon. Environmental Geology, 54(4) 831-841.
12. Barbiero L., Parate H.R., Descloistres M., Bost A., Furian S., Mohan Kumar M.S., Kumar C., Braun J.J. (2007) Using a structural approach to identify relationships between soil and erosion in a non-anthropic forested area, South India. Catena 70, 313-326.
11. Descloitres M., Ruiz L., Sekhar M., Legchenko A., Braun J.J., Mohan Kumar M.S. and Subramanian S. (2007) Characterization of seasonal local recharge using Electrical Resistivity, Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Sounding. Hydrological Processes,
10. Anuraga T.S., Ruiz L., Mohan Kumar M.S., Sekhar M. and Leijnse T.A. (2006) Estimating groundwater recharge using land use and soil data: a case study in South India. Agricultural Water Management 84 (1-2) 65-76.
9. Legchenko A., Descloitres M., Bost A., Ruiz L., Reddy M., Girard J-F., Sekhar M., Kumar M.S. and Braun J.J. (2006) – Resolution of MR Soundings applied to the characterization of hard rock aquifers, Ground Water, 44 (4), 547-554.
8. Natarajan K.A., Subramanian S., Braun J.J. (2006) Environmental impact of metal mining – Biotechnological aspects of water pollution and remediation – an Indian Experience. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 88 (1-3), 45-48.
7. Radhika V., Subramanian S. and Natarajan K.A. (2006) Bioremediation of zinc using Desulfotomaculum nigrificans: Bioprecipitation and characterization studies. Water Research 40 3628 –3636.
6. Sekhar M., Rasmi S.N., Javeed Y., Gowrisankar D., and Ruiz L. (2006) Modeling the groundwater dynamics in a semi-arid hard rock aquifer influenced by boundary fluxes, spatial and temporal variability in pumping/recharge. Advances in Geoscience, Hydrological Sciences (ed) Park, N., V. 4, 173-181.
5. Sarvamangala H., Subramanian S. , Natarajan K. A. and Braun J. J. (2005) Isolation and selection of efficient autotrophic bacteria from the Chitradurga copper mines. Proc. International Seminar on Mineral Processing Technology (MPT 2005), (Eds.) R. Venugopal, T. Sharma, V. K. Saxena and N. R. Mandre, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, 451-459.
4. Suma N., Subramanian S. , Natarajan K. A. and Braun J. J. (2005) Studies on adaptation of microbial isolates from Chitradurga mines to copper, zinc and arsenic. Proc. International Seminar on Mineral Processing Technology (MPT 2005), (Eds.) R. Venugopal, T. Sharma, V. K. Saxena and N. R. Mandre, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, 468-475.
3. Vidhya Lakshmi R., Evvie Chockalingam, Subramanian S. , Natarajan K. A. and Braun J. J. (2005) Assessment of acid production potential of the Ajjanahalli gold tailings. Proc. International Seminar on Mineral Processing Technology (MPT 2005), (Eds.) R. Venugopal, T. Sharma, V. K. Saxena and N. R. Mandre, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, 407-414.
2. Sekhar M., Rasmi S.N., Sivapullaia P.V. and Ruiz L. (2004) Groundwater flow modeling of Gundal sub-basin in Kabini river basin, India. Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution, 1(1-2), 65-77.
1. Suma N., Subramanian S., Natarajan K.A. and Braun J.J. (2004) Microbial diversity of tailing samples from Ajjanahalli and Chitradurga mine sites. Proc. International seminar on Mineral Processing Technology (MPT-2004), (Eds.) G. V. Rao and Vibhuti N. Misra, Allied Publishers Private Limited, (2004), 724-731.