#Completed Projects

IndiaBio (2020-2023) : Meta-transitions towards organic agriculture in two Indian States; Andhra Pradesh and Sikkim ; INRAE METABIO ; PI : Claire AUBRON

IndiaBio is an exploratory project that seeks to develop a first characterisation of Indian transitions towards agroecology, which will serve as a basis for a more ambitious project that compares several regions in the world. To do this, the project team has combined disciplines and scales of analysis to carry out the five following tasks: (1) a technical characterisation and assessment of the transition from the farmers’ perspective at the territorial scale; (2) an analysis of the evolution of flows of matter and energy induced by the transition at the territorial scale; (3) a multi-scale analysis of the governance of the transition; (4) bioeconomic modelling of a full state-wide transition; (5) comparison of the transitions, dissemination of results and contribution to the Metabio meta-programme.

DELTA (2018-2023) : Deltas undER gLobal impacT of chAnge ; ANR JCJC ; PI : M. BECKER

(2018-2023) : Landscapes and Waterscapes in Asia Monsoon, Climatic Anomalies and Societal Dynamics in Medieval India ; ANR JCJC ; PI : M. CASILE

ATCHA (2017-2022) : Accompanying The adaption of irrigated agriculture to climate CHAnge ; ANR ; PI : Laurent RUIZ

The ATCHA project aimed to accompany the adaptation of farming systems to climate change by combining an integrated biophysical model with a participatory approach in a network of experimental watersheds in the Karnataka state.

EUSOP (2019-2022) : Evaluation of Uncertainties affecting estimations of SOil Properties by VNIR-SWIR remoet sensing data ; PNTS ; PI : Cécile GOMEZ

This project proposes an analysis of uncertainties of soil properties predictions obtained from VNIR-SWIR remote sensing data. The uncertainties affecting soil properties predictions will be analyzed in regard to the acquisition conditions and the atmospheric correction models. The project had been implemented in Berambadi watershed (Kabini CZO / SNO M-TROPICS).

(2019-2022) : Heterogeneity of regolith properties using combined geophysics & geochemistry ; EQUIPEX CRITEX internal call ; PI : Jean RIOTTE, Laurent RUIZ, H. Robain

The aim of this project was to assess the impact of the spatial variability of regolith properties on agricultural production and water balance at the watershed scale.Soil properties, saprolite thickness and fracture locations and density in the bedrock will be determined at the scale of the Berambadi catchment using a unique combination of geophysical techniques that include Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT), seismic, Control Source Audio-Magneto-Telluric (CS-AMT), Spectral induced Polarization (SIP) at both wet and dry seasons.This dataset, unique in India, will be used, thanks to the extensive field and remote sensing information already available in the Kabini CZ, to assess the sensitivity of the integrated model NAMASTE (Robert et al., 2018a) to the spatial variability of regolith properties under various climate and agriculture scenarios.

(2018-2022) : Nutrient Transfers through groundwater in India ; CEFIPRA ; PI : D. CARDINAL, VVSS SHARMA

ERODE (2020-2021) : Effective ROoting DEpth in a dry tropical forest : Mole Hole, India ; INSU/EC2CO ; PI : Jean RIOTTE

The project, focused on the experimental watershed of Mule Hole (SNO M-TROPICS), aimed at (1) developing a new dendrochronology method for the 4 dominant tree species using laser ablation, (2) applying the modeling framework to the produced yearly growth time-series from dendrochronology, (3) using these data for modelling the effect of deep root uptake on weathering processes in the deep critical zone by combining the COMFORT model and the water-rock interaction model WITCH.

AltiKest (2017-2021) : AltiKa for estuaries and near-shore ocean ; CNES TOSCA ; PI : F. DURAND, S. CALMANT, F. PAPA, S. ISLAM, V. VENUGOPAL

MEERENDA (2017-2020) : Microwave remote sEnsing for watEr Resources managEment iN berambaDi wAtershed ; CNRS PICS ; PI : M. ZRIBI

(2017-2020) : Developing a new methodology for farm scale soil moisture estimation using radar-only model parameters modified using scattering power decomposition methods ; SAC-ISRO ; PI : M. SEKHAR

CHROMITE (2016-2019) : Assessment of Chromium Release from Sukinda mining Overburden : an IsoTopic, chemical, physical and microbiological study ; CEFIPRA ; PI : S. SUBRAMANIAN, Y. SIVRY

Its goal was to understand and describe the chemical and microbiological factors controlling the chromium mobility during extremely contrasted meteorological conditions in the Sukinda Valley, through a multidisciplinary approach involving isotopic geochemistry , micro-biology, mineralogy and speciation. The Sukinda valley accounts for 99% of the chromium reserves in India.

(2016-2019) : Integrated hydrological assessment, monitoring and documentation project ; KWD World Bank ; PI : M. SEKHAR

(2017-2019) : Detection and Characterization of irrigated cultures from satellite images : Berambadi experimental watershed in India ; CNES TOSCA ; PI : S. CORGNE


SOLE NASA-CNES SWOT Science Team (2016-2019) ; CNES TOSCA ; PI : A. ALBITAR, F. PAPA