From 16th of October to 18th of October, 2023
For 3 days, the Indo-French Cell for Water Science was delighted to host a monsoon school on Hydrology from Space at IISc Bangalore. More than 40 participants from all over India gathered to explore the opportunities presented by upcoming satellite launches and recently launched missions to monitor components of the continental water cycle at high resolution.
The first day was dedicated to a workshop where experts provided an overview of the current state of the art regarding knowledge of the current and future satellite products, their benefits and expected precision whereas the two following days were devoted to training sessions. In those sessions, attendees learned how to effectively use open-source models for evapotranspiration, streamflow or soil moisture retrieval but also the assimilations of the current and future remote sensing products and variables into a hydrological modelling platform that runs from plot scale to region. Moreover, a few posters presented by participants were exhibited during the breaks in order to share some research results with fellow participants and scientists attending at the Monsoon School. Hopefully, the participants were able to make the most of those three intense learning days.
The IFCWS would like to thank again Mehrez Zribi, Vincent Rivalland, Jérémy Auclair and Samuel Mwangi from CESBIO, Nicolas Baghdadi from TETIS, Pr. J. Indu and Pr. Eswar Rajasekaran from IITB and all the others participating scientists and scholars for their contributions, which greatly contributed to the success of this monsoon school.